Seasonal Allergies Kit

Probiotics, fish oil and curcumin.  Did you know that these can help with your allergies? Please refer to our blog: Spring, Sneezing and Sniffles if you need more information related to allergy support options.

PROBIOTICS -  Beneficial bacteria that make up probiotics continue to represent the most promising intervention for primary prevention of allergic disease.  In the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, April 2013 issue, the use of probiotics is discussed in detail.  Probiotics are helpful with dysbiosis which can also contribute to seasonal allergies.  Dysbiosis is an imbalance in intestinal bacteria which can lead to digestive problems and other health issues.

Another study from the National Institute of Health demonstrated that Americans with lower microbiota diversity in their gut were more likely to suffer from various allergies. Due to this recent evidence coupled with positive results from regular probiotic use, we offer  probiotics in our Seasonal Allergies Kit.

FISH OIL/OMEGA 3'S - Inflammation can lead to an allergic response.  Fish oil has Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) that combat inflammation.  It is one of the most well known and studied supplements related to inflammation control.  Taking a daily dose of Omega 3's is a very strong supportive measure in reducing inflammation.

IMMUNE SUPPORT - The supplements we have selected for this kit provide unique immune system support.  From Sambuca to Vitamins A and D, there are a variety of vitamins, minerals and herbs addressing specific components of the immune system.  For more information on each product, please refer to the product information page.  Our top choice for immune support is Vitamin D.

CURCUMIN - An Indian spice that has been used for thousands of years, this amazing herb can support the body's natural defenses.  In scientific testing, curcumin significantly reduced airway constriction and overresponse.  In cell studies, it reduced inflammatory marker production in lung tissue, making curcumin an excellent choice for those with asthma as well as allergies.  This may not replace current asthma medications and a visit to your physician is required before you change any current therapies.
